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The White Thrill Race, St Anton Am Arlberg, Austria - Der Weiße Rausch!


The White Thrill Race St Anton Am Arlberg, Austria - April 2014

Back in October 2013 and I was invited to take part in the Weisser Rauche Race in St Anton am Arlberg, Austria. It’s a 9km race down from top of the Valluga all the way down to the bottom of the valley and in to St Anton Village….the race part is fine….it’s just that 200 Skiers and Boarders all set off at the same time off the top of the Valuga and that start is utter carnage!

I’ve been going to St Anton Am Arlberg in Austria since I was 16…..what’s the worst that could happen? I’d take it easy, hang back, count to 10 and then go for it.

I managed to convince my friend Al to join me and before we knew it, the race was upon us, it was April.

Now St Anton Am Arlberg always seems to get and keep Snow right up till past Easter and although the Snow this Year in the Alps hasn't been great, there was still snow at Easter this Year. I’ve been there a few times for the last week of the season when the lifts are still open. The sun’s usually out, it’s warm and yes the bottom runs do become slushy but then you can also get a late snowfall dump and it can be just awesome.

We arrived late at night on Good Friday and it was snowing, albeit lightly but this was a good sign. We were staying at the Alpinae Lux, a modern 4 star hotel  owned by Alex and Sabina who I’d met a month before. It’s a super place to stay and the hotel is a walk away from the town and my room facing the ski runs of Rendl (and it’s a super place to stay)

We woke up on Saturday Morning to a light covering of new Snow outside, we had a lot to do before the race which was at 5pm, we had a board to hire, ski pass & race bibs to collect a couple of meetings to attend and a few practice runs to squeeze in of the race course itself (we didn’t have a clue what the conditions of the snow and race course would be like).

It was now 2pm, we’d been told that due to a lack of snow cover at the top funnel lip, it made it too dangerous to start at this point and the race itself would start further down at the bottom of a 6 Minute run up the mountain which we needed to do….this was looking better for me, I love my running and thought this would give me a great opportunity to start.

The practice run went well although the 6 minute run was looking to be tougher than we had expected (we were 2700 metres up so air was a little thin for our liking!). The runs were good from the top but as soon as you got lower, it became slushier and the ski runs became rutted, it was end of season after all. This was going to burn the legs.

The start line was buzzing, music was being pumped out and it was just like any other Half or Full Marathon start line, everyone getting ready, feeling a little nervous and running to the port-a-loo. Both Al and I positioned ourselves early at one end of the line making sure we had some room for the initial sprint hoping we’d get a good position and hold on to it.

What was interesting was that Men’s Skiers were in the race before ours and the Snowboarders were starting with the Alpine Skiing Men over 60’s, Alpine Skiing Women all categories, Telemarker’s, Short ski’s Men/Women, Snowbikes & Monoski’s. The only category missing in our group was sledges…or was that the Snowbikes?!

This was it, the moment had arrived….it was race time, the countdown had begun. Booooooom, we were off.

There’s an after party from 7pm onwards and the town of St Anton Am Arlberg is buzzing. We went down to Bobo’s, had a Schnitzel and a few beers a couple of schnapps and we got to bed.

What an experience. I loved every minute of it. Experience is what summed it up for me – I want that feeling of achievement, something new to set as a goal, something new to look forward to, train towards and enjoy with my family (they love travelling and watching me get involved…..promise!).

I hate the norm and I love the buzz an event like this gives you.

Now there’s people out there who do this kind of thing regularly – doesn’t have to be an event but just getting outside and doing stuff outdoors – they gain nothing material from it, it clears their head and take time to enjoy that moment….enjoy life.

I get stressed at work, work long hours and even though I love what I do, I need time out, we all do.


Getting outside your comfort zone is when great things happen. Everyone’s comfort zones are different and I read somewhere that there's no room for adventure and excitement in your comfort zone and when you step outside the norm, the routine…. not only will your life become more exciting, but you'll also build confidence and the more we achieve.

Write down some crazy goals / experiences that are outside your comfort zone and go for them….I promise you, you won’t regret it. They don’t have to be physical events and it could just be a mental shift to change routines and challenge what you fear most.

Getting back to St Anton Am Arlberg….because we enjoyed the Weisser Rauche so much, we thought it would be really cool to do it again BUT this time, take a small Team GB / Chilli-Tech Team out there.

Do you want to join us for the next Weisser Rauche 2015 in St Anton ? Tickets are like gold dust so let us know if you’re interested. We’ll video and edit the event so you’ll have some awesome video footage – let us know if you’re interested – Email us at [email protected] if you’re interested and we’ll email you further details. This is a race BUT you CAN take it easy, hang back and enjoy the event – anyone can enjoy taking part.

Here’s more information on the event….

P.S. Al came 21st in his class at the end (the 3rd Brit!) and I came 32nd – well down the ranks!!!

P.P.S. Tell us about your crazy experiences and events you’ve taken part in – we’d love to hear them….we may join you! 


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